Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gangstarr's Guru Dead @ 43 Years Old

(Via Yahoo)

Hip-Hop Luminary Guru Succumbs To Cancer

Hip-hop icon Keith "Guru" Elam died Monday as a result of cancer-related causes, MTV reports. He was 43 years old.

Guru was hospitalized in March, and while some outlets reported that he suffered a heart attack, it was never confirmed.

Guru's friend and partner Solar released a statement following his passing. "The world has lost one of the best MCs and hip-hop icons of all-time-my loyal best friend, partner, and brother, Guru," Solar wrote, according to MTV. "Guru has been battling cancer for well over a year and has lost his battle! This is a matter that Guru wanted private until he could beat it, but tragically, this did not happen. The cancer took him. Now the world has lost a great man a true genius."

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What is your favorite Guru song or moment?

E.W.COM's favorite songs by Guru

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