Words by Allen Starbury
Rap legend and hip-hop activist KRS-One has issued a call to action from DJs nationwide to join and participate in the upcoming Million DJ March, which is set for August.
KRS has hopped aboard the initiative to help mobilize and bring DJs together to help and educate their large communityacross the world. Beginning his career as a DJ, KRS wants the element of hip-hop to survive, and wants to do what is in his power to make that happen.
"I am a DJ. I started my career as a DJ and a collector of records." says KRS. "The Million DJ March speaks to the longevity of the DJ community. If DJing is going to survive in to the future, we are going to have to take it a little more seriously than just a party past time."
Founded by A. Shaw, after her many years of working within the DJ and mixtape community, The Million DJ March was started in an effort to bring the DJ community worldwide together on issues that effect not just the DJs themselves, but the music listening public they entertain.
"Once and for all, the American public needs to hear from the DJs in a unified voice," said KRS. "There are questions that the American public has for the DJ and one of the concerns of the American public, for DJs in every medium, is the lack of responsibility that DJs show to younger ears. The DJs I know care about the public they play for; many of them are responsible parents themsleves. It is not that DJs are irresponsible, it is that DJs do not speak in one unified voice on anything. By signing your name to this event, among other things, you vow to uphold a standard of excellence in the art of DJ."
To get involved or to get further information, kindly visit http://www.themilliondjmarch.com or contact A. Shaw directly at themilliondjmarch@gmail.com
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